We would like to present options for financial aid opportunities for the 2024-25 school year. We are excited about what CCS is able to provide concerning financial assistance and hope that you will be able to navigate the process with ease. We believe that God brings each family to us for a special purpose, and we look forward to your family continuing in the CCS community. You may have a student who is eligible for the Ed Choice Expansion Scholarship, the Traditional Ed Choice Scholarship, or CCS Financial Aid. All of the forms necessary to apply for each of these scholarship opportunities can be obtained through the school office.
You may receive items in the mail or via email throughout the application process and it is extremely important to keep CCS Administrative Staff informed of any communications from the Ohio Department of Education or FACTSoffices. The steps to apply are outlined below for your convenience:
Determine eligibility for various programs by consulting the Income and Grade Requirements
o Ed Choice Expansion ā Income Eligible Students in K-12th
o Traditional Ed Choice ā New students attending designated schools in K-12th (first time kindergarten students are eligible if assigned to a designated school) Find the designated list of schools here.
o CCS Financial Aid (FACTS) ā Income Eligible Students in Preschool-12th (apply online)
Complete appropriate application by deadline date.
Items that may be required:
o Copy of a current utility bill with your name and the service address printed on it (electric, water, gas)
o Income Verification Form (one per family even if multiple students are participating in the program)
o Copy of 2023 W2ās or 4 current pay stubs or a copy of your 2023 tax returns or documentation of other income sources (state support/child support/Social Security/etc.)
Please direct any and all questions to Trisha Kemper via email or phone at 419-935-3633 ext. 54001.